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Transformative User-Generated Content: fair use in U.S. Copyright

Transformative User-Generated Content: fair use in U.S. Copyright di Darerca Tupponi Creativity is an act of self-expression, its value found in the exchange of creative products within a community. Throughout the course of history, humankind has developed new means of communication to exchange wisdom and art, from the printed press which can be regarded as the catalyst of the conception…

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L’influencer marketing e il rapporto di endorsement tra aziende e influencers: profili giuridici e derive illecite

L’influencer marketing e il rapporto di endorsement tra aziende e influencers: profili giuridici e derive illecite di Roberta Mazzucconi Dalla native advertising all’influencer marketing La dilagante diffusione dei social media, negli ultimi anni in esponenziale crescita, ha portato con sé la creazione di nuove forme di espressione e l’elaborazione di inesplorate tecniche di linguaggio, in costante evoluzione. In particolare, tale…

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