Giocattoli, gioielli, elettrodomestici e stampanti possono essere generate automaticamente, così come vestiti, cibo e case, al pari altresì di medicinali, protesi dentarie e perfino tessuto polmonare. Questi sono solo alcuni esempi di ciò che è possibile produrre attraverso stampanti 3D. La stampa 3D può condurre alla prossima grande rivoluzione industriale, permettendo la digitalizzazione di quasi ogni oggetto e quindi la trasformazione di bits in oggetti fisici semplicemente premendo un pulsante.
Stampa 3D
In questa sezione puoi trovare una raccolta di tutte le fonti e informazioni giuridiche più rilevanti sul mondo della stampa 3D organizzate per tipologia e giurisdizione.
Forget shopping. Soon we will be able to download our own clothes
Danit Peleg
Risorse giuridiche in materia di Stampa 3D
Dottrina (in lingua italiana)
In lingua italiana
- Galli C., I diritti IP nel mercato globale e nella nuova economia digitale: le ragioni di un Convegno, Il Diritto industriale, 2015, 2, 105-106
- Contini A., Galli C., Stampanti 3D e proprietà intellettuale: opportunità e problemi, Rivista di diritto industriale, 2015, 3(1), 115-151
- Rota A., Stampa 3D: un nuovo rischio da ignoto tecnologico?, Labour & Law Issues, 2015, 1, 17 ss.
In lingua inglese
- Lafeber M.M., Hall of mirrors: 3D printing and IP law, Bench & Bar of Minnesota, 2017, 74(2), 20-23
- Tran J.L., Reconstructionism: IP and 3D printing, University of Minnesota Law School, 2017, 1-50
- Bartholomew M. et al., Liability Issues and 3D Printing, Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 2016, 32, 58 ss.
- Boyd et al., Policy Considerations & Industry Perspectives on 3D Printing, Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J., 2016, 34(3), 31 ss.
- Gibson I. et al., Additive manufacturing technologies: 3d printing, rapid prototyping, and direct digital manufacturing, Springer, 2015
- Couch, Additively manufacturing a better life: how 3D printing can change the world without Changing the Law, 51 Gonz. L. Rev., 2015, 517, 544
- Hornick J.F., 3D printing and IP rights: the elephant in the room, Santa Clara L. Rev., 2015, 55, 801 ss.
- Hornick J.F., IP licensing in a 3D printed world, Les Nouvelles, 2015
- Matias E., Rao B, 3D Printing: on its historical evolution and the implication for business, proceedings of PICMET ’15: Management of the Technology Age, 2015, 551
- Tran J.L., To Bioprint or Not to Bioprint, 17 N.C. J.L. & Tech, 2015, 17, 123 ss.
- Desai D.R., The new steam: on digitization, decentralization, and disruption, Hastings Law Journal, 2014, 65(6)
- Lesley M., IP in a world without scarcity, Stanford Pub. Law, Working Paper No. 2413974, 2014
- Moskin J., Roll over Gutenberg, Tell Mr. Hull the news: obstacles and opportunities from 3D printing, The Trademark Reporter, 2014, 104, 811-816
- Osborn L., 3D Printing and Intellectual Property, Oleos F.X., Zhegu M., Research Handbook on Digital Transformations. Edward Elgar, 2016
- Weinberg M, It will be awesome if they don’t screw up: 3d printing, intellectual property, and the fight over the next great disruptive technology, Public knowledge, 2010
- Weinberg M., When 3D printing and the law get together, will crazy things happen?, Information Technology and Law Series, 2006
Altre fonti: report, video
- TJ McCue, $4.1 Billion Industry Forecast in Crazy 3D Printing Stock Market, Forbes: Tech, 30.7.2015
- Manyika J. et al., Disruptive Technologies: advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy, Mckinsey Global Institute, 2013
- Funk-e Studios, What is 3D printing and how does it work?, 2013
Implicazioni per il diritto d’autore
In lingua inglese
- Cronin C.P.D., Possession is 99% of the law: 3D printing, public domain cultural artifacts & copyright, USC Law Legal Studies Paper No. 16-13, 2016, 1-22
- Menlo P.S., Vacca R.G., 3D Printing and US Copyright Law, UC Berkeley Public Law Research Paper No. 2859737, 2016, 1-17
- Rimmer M., 3D printing Jurassic Park: copyright law, cultural institutions, and makerspaces, Pandora’s Box, 2016, 1-12
- Reitinger N., CAD’s Parallel to Technical Drawings: Copyright in the Fabricated World, Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society, 2015, 97(1), 111-143
- Grimmelmann J., Indistinguishable from magic: a wizard’s guide to copyright and 3D printing, Washington and Lee Law Review, 2014, 683 ss.
- Lemley M.A., IP in a world without scarcity, Stanford Public Law Working Paper No. 2413974, 2014, 1-61
- Marconi T., Not for designers: on the inadequacies of EU design law and how to fix it, Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law, 2013, 4(3), 1-49
- Susan M.A., Watch the world ‘burn’: copyright, micropatent and the emergence of 3D printing, ND, 2013, 1-51
Implicazioni per il diritto dei brevetti
In lingua italiana
- Bosotti L., I limiti di brevettabilità nelle innovazioni della rete, Il Diritto industriale, 2015, 2, 137-145
- Mimler M., Stampa 3D, internet e diritto dei brevetti – una storia che si ripete?, Rivista di diritto industriale, 2013, 6(1), 352-370
In lingua inglese
- Brean D.H., Patenting physibles: a fresh perspective for claiming 3D-printable products, Santa Clara L. Rev., 2015, 55, 837-864
- Holbrook T.R., Osborn L., Digital patent infringement in an era of 3D printing, U.C. Davis L. Rev., 2015, 49, 1319-1385
- Desai D.R., Magliocca G.N., Patents, meet Napster: 3D printing and the digitization of things, 102 Geo. L.J., 2014, 102, 1691 ss.
- Holbrook T.R., Osborn L., Digital patent infringement in an era of 3D printing, UC Davis Law Review, 2015, 48, 1319-138
- Syzdek N.A., Five Stages of Patent Grief to Achieve 3D Printing Acceptance, U.S.F. L. Rev., 2014, 49(2), 335-360
- Miller M., 3D Printing, the Internet and Patent Law – A History Repeating?, La Rivista di Diritto Industriale, 2013, 62(6), 352-370
- Susan M.A., Watch the world ‘burn’: copyright, micropatent and the emergence of 3D printing, ND, 2013, 1-51
Implicazioni per il diritto dei marchi
In lingua inglese
- Ebrahim T. Y., Trademarks & brands in 3D printing, Wake Forest J. Bus. & Intell. Prop. L., 2016, 17, 1
- Scardamaglia A., Flashpoints in 3D printing and trademark law, J. L. Info. & Sci., 2015, 23
- Wilkof N., Trademarks and brands in the competitive landscape of the 3D printing ecosystem, The Trademark Reporter, 2014, 104, 817-821