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Licia Presutti

Blockchain, Trust and Open Banking: a data-driven road to the next wave of FinTech?

Blockchain, Trust and Open Banking: a data-driven road to the next wave of FinTech? by Licia Presutti Blockchain: the technology “Blockchains are distributed digital ledgers of cryptographically signed transactions that are grouped into blocks. Each block is cryptographically linked to the previous one (making it tamper evident) after validation and undergoing a consensus decision. As new blocks are added, older…

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AI-driven data innovation and GDPR protection

AI-driven data innovation and GDPR protection by Licia Presutti Artificial intelligence: “The study and design of intelligent agents, where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chances of success”. (Russell and Norvig) “AI is the new electricity”. (Andrew Ng) “AI is here to remind us what it is that makes us more…

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The concept of open innovation

The concept of open innovation by Licia Presutti “Open innovation is a paradigm that assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as the firms look to advance their technology”- Henry Chesbrough The concept of “open innovation assumes that internal ideas can also be taken to market through…

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Blockchain technology: challenges and legal issues

Blockchain technology: challenges and legal issues di Licia Presutti   “The Internet of Everything needs a Ledger of Everything.” –  Don and Alex Tapscott To the Economist, blockchain technology is “the great chain of being sure about things”. We’re quite confident, said Marc Andreessen in an interview with The Washington Post, “that we’re sitting here in 20 years, we’ll be…

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Cybercrimes e responsabilità degli enti

Cybercrimes e responsabilità degli enti di Licia Presutti  Introduzione Il d.lgs. 231 del 2001 introduce una responsabilità autonoma e diretta degli enti derivante dalla commissione di alcuni reati (c.d. reati presupposto) compiuti nel loro interesse o a loro vantaggio[1] da soggetti inseriti nell’organizzazione, ossia da persone con funzione apicale all’interno dell’azienda o con posizione subordinata[2]. Suddetto decreto ha adottato, infatti,…

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