DSA – The European Commission’s new supervisory powers over large platforms and search engines di Caterina Bo The final adoption of the Digital Services Act and the Digital Market Act in March and April 2022 marked the end of a legislative path initiated by the European Commission in December 2020 and concluded in a very short time, given the impact…
DSA – I nuovi poteri di vigilanza della Commissione Europea sulle piattaforme e motori di ricerca di grandi dimensioni di Caterina Bo L’adozione definitiva del Digital Services Act e del Digital Market Act nei mesi di marzo e aprile 2022 ha segnato la fine di un percorso legislativo avviato dalla Commissione Europea nel dicembre 2020 e concluso in tempi molto…
Whatsapp e processo civile di Paolo Palmieri Whatsapp, ed in generale tutti i sistemi di messaggistica istantanea, sono diventati uno strumento probatorio sempre più discusso nei giudizi civili. In questo articolo approfondiamo brevemente cosa si intende per documento informatico, come produrre (correttamente) in giudizio una chat Whatsapp, e come contestarla. I vari tipi di documento informatico e la loro forza…
Internet governance: the evolution of theories of governing cyberspace by Mirta Cavallo The Internet, with its dynamic and propulsive nature, has had a revolutionary impact on our society. Inter alia, it has changed the landscape of regulation and political communication. If one looks at cyberspace from what Orin Kerr calls an internal perspective, it appears that emails, tweets, videos and…
Il demiurgo di Internet, dalla creazione all’attuale governance Il ruolo di ICANN nell’amministrazione della rete di Sara Corsi Come è nato Internet ? All’inizio della guerra fredda, il governo degli Stati Uniti commissionò ad alcune università americane dei progetti di ricerca per supportare tecnologicamente le operazioni militari. Nel 1969, l’ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sviluppò un canale comunicativo tra le…
New Frontiers in CyberSpace Regulation: What’s Next? di Laura Candiani Early last week, the inaugural conference Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace: Novel Horizons took place in the beautiful city of The Hague. The three-day event was organized by the ‘The Hague Program for Cyber Norms’, an academic research program that has the goal to be a platform for both academics and…
An (extra)ordinary decision: the U.S. Microsoft Case di Rubén Cano Pérez This Articles has the purpose to analyse and put some light on the long awaited US Supreme Court Microsoft case Decision. As technology evolves, jurisdiction problems arise. Regardless of the juris-dictioapproach adopted, there is a lesson to be learned from internet ubiquity: the internet is (yet) ownerless. The classic…
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Revolution: When ADR meets IT di Maria Laura Izzo The use of On-line dispute resolution (ODR) has today the connotation of robotized justice. However, the reality of facts is very different. This article explains how ODR maximises the human intervention and the global access to justice thanks to the use of Information Technology. 1. What is…